Tuesday, January 2, 2007

Acol Lesson 1/1/2007 (31/12/2006 Northern Hemisphere)

Private Bridge Lessons
email wjburrows@gmail.com

Brd 1  ♠ 92
North   532
None    J8642
       ♣ AK3
♠ AK43         ♠ T7
 J             QT9
 AT95          Q73
♣ J986         ♣ QT754
  Old York       joyken
       ♠ QJ865
       ♣ 2
cascade: Hi Everyone
cascade: and Happy New Year

cascade: any questions?
cascade: ===========

tamer3554: he must bid 3
jimbd: open 1 not 1♠ ?
Geofspa: should i PREFER ♠ HERE ?
tamer3554: yes
cascade: what do you mean he must bid 3?
tamer3554: or 2
cascade: I think passing 4 is right Geof
cascade: your partner will have at least five hearts to bid this way
Geofspa: ok
CardBear: 4 seems high
cascade: I don't think opening 1♠ and rebidding 4 is right
mgk: agree
cascade: if you are going to bid that strongly then you may as well open 1 and reverse into spades ...
cascade: then at least you will get your shape right
cascade: if you open 1♠ then rebid 2 then partner might give you a preference with 2♠
cascade: i suppose you can then make a game try with 3
subhash: Is 1-P-1NT-P-3♠-P-4 the correct sequence ?
Old York: Did anybody use the GIB button.....think 4 can make?
cascade: no
shekel: 2 spades and D at start...then still a trump
cascade: if you are going to reverse then you only need to bid 2♠ not jump to 3♠
cascade: yes it certainly can't make from the beginning
cascade: but it can after a trump lead i think
shekel: never lead a stiff trump :-) can spoil partners chances in that suit lol
cascade: but you have to guess to run the third round of spades
joyken: 1h p 1nt p 2h p
cascade: East can ruff but it is with his natural trump trick
cascade: and then you still have a trump in the dummy to ruff out the last spade
cascade: 1♠ 1NT; 2 2♠; 3 ... is an ok sequence
mgk: 1H P 2H P 3 H and play it at 3 you have found a fit
cascade: opening 1 is ok too
cascade: but you might never get to mention your spades
cascade: unless you are willing to reverse
cascade: 1 2; 3 ... North will go on he has 8 points and a doubleton and might have had only six points
Old York: 1 - x - ?
cascade: i think there is a good chance you will get to game here
mgk: no N won't if he counts pts.. pd has minimum raise
cascade: 1 X yes and then you know how to play the spades
subhash: Against 4, should not the lead be A,Kx ♠ ?
cascade: North is near maximum
cascade: not if spades have been bid
Old York: I might even overcall 1♠ after partner's pass lol
cascade: you are just setting up dummy's suit
mgk: with xtra H yes, but not there yet
cascade: if you know declarer is 6-5 there is a case for the A lead
subhash: But then either N or E will be short
cascade: it might work
V A: I must have forgotten! ty!
Old York->Kibitzers: 2 is forcing.....is 3 natural?

Private Bridge Lessons

Brd 2  ♠ K872
East    KQ95
NS      Q982
       ♣ T
♠ J95          ♠ A64
 AJT84         ---
 7543          AKT6
♣ 8            ♣ KQJ732
  Old York       joyken
       ♠ QT3
       ♣ A9654
cascade: === Board Two ===

cascade: please do not chat to the table during the play of the hand
->Old York: i guess she is asking for kings
->Old York: 6♣ should be none
Old York: glp

cascade: any questions?
cascade: ===========
cascade: Geof you end-played your partner at the end ...
cascade: cashing your Q is better
Geofspa: none here ... was only too please to see opps bidding
Geofspa: ok
cascade: Joyce you bid a bit much ...
Geofspa: sorry for ending you P ;-)
cascade: but I guess you realize that now
jimbd: think the 3 3♠ put bidding off course
joyken: thought you had 4s
Old York: I was v tempted to pass 4NT. blackwood would only make sense after 2♣ opening
joyken: unlucky with split in clubs
cascade: definitely I wouldn't bid 3♠ unless i knew partner would understand
cascade: (or maybe if i had a very strong hand and was looking for a forcing bid)
joyken: 2d is weak
cascade: but Joyce you bid very strongly ...
cascade: and didn't find a fit ...
cascade: and then kept going
ReginaldF: 2D is rev
cascade: this happens quite a lot
Old York: 2 is a strong forcing reverse
cascade: that players over-value their strong hands
joyken: yes
Old York: You had a great hand with only 4 losers, but I only had 1 "cover card"
cascade: they make one strong bid and then make another strong bid (just in case partner or someone else has forgotten they are strong)
joyken: what would you bid over 2d
cascade: 1♣ 1; 2 is enough ...
cascade: and then you have a little in reserve Joyce
Old York: Obviously, I prefer , but had no wish to go beyond 3NT.
cascade: 2 is natural and strong and forcing
cascade: so that is all you need to do
joyken: ok
cascade: and it leaves more bidding space for you and partner to describe your hands
cascade: after a reverse standard is all simple bids show a minimum
cascade: except 4th suit forcing ...
cascade: some players have more complicated developments
cascade: With my partner we are not adverse to complicated developments
cascade: but over a reverse we play a very simple style
cascade: so simple bids are not forcing ...
cascade: except we play that repeating our suit at the two level shows five and is forcing
cascade: so 2NT/3♣/3 are all non-forcing
Old York: After 1♣ 1 2, should I bid 3 or 2♠
cascade: I would raise diamonds with Tony's hand
cascade: Joyce will bid at least game
cascade: and try for slam on the way
cascade: unfortunately there is no play for even game
cascade: since the opponents cards are not nice
Old York: 5NT should show no missing key cards
cascade: i bid 3 Tony
cascade: but some play 4th suit or 2NT shows a weak hand
cascade: if you have that agreement then 3 would be stronger and forcing
cascade: yes
cascade: my partner's learn that quickly after I jump to seven rather than telling them what kings i have
Old York: with rkcb there are many ways to show kings
cascade: yes you need to agree with your partner Tony
cascade: without agreement i guess you just assume 0...1...2...3...4

Private Bridge Lessons

Brd 3  ♠ KQ875
South   K7
EW      KQ
       ♣ AQT6
♠ 943          ♠ AJT
 A95           QJ84
 AT8532        964
♣ K            ♣ J95
  jimbd          shekel
       ♠ 62
       ♣ 87432
         V A
cascade: === Board Three ===

cascade: any questions?
cascade: ===========

V A: wpp
shekel: no :-)#
cascade: I would consider opening the West hand ...
cascade: I would definitely open if I was not vulnerable
Old York: Difficult to bid 3 at adverse vuln
jimbd: i discounted K♣
shekel: i dont know west has 6 lol
cascade: it is after passing ...
cascade: Sheila has to raise to three with 4-3-3-3 hand with no trump honours
cascade: and reasonably soft cards
cascade: many discount a singleton king ...
V A: I missed playing with you this afternoon!
cascade: but it is still worth something
cascade: there are few hands with Ace Ace King that I will not open
shekel: takes a junior to open 3Dwith the west hand lol
cascade: definitely I would not open 3 at these colours
cascade: but 1 i might
shekel: you not a jnr wayne?
cascade: here your singleton King is bad
cascade: but you have aces which are good
cascade: and a sixth diamond
cascade: does Junior = madman?
shekel: no = young
cascade: = foolish ;-)
joyken: yes
cascade: you need to be very careful with your pre-empts at adverse vulnerability
cascade: lots of -200 against nothing are very costly
cascade: and that is before they learn to double you !!!
cascade: otherwise this is fine
cascade: Hearther's 3♣ is something you want to try and avoid ...
cascade: going to the three-level without much distribution opposite a passing partnr
cascade: but with 19 points you want do to something
cascade: So 3♣ is ok
Heatherkay: and non vulnerable
Old York: A weakish 2 opening would work best
DWnstnly: hi would you like to play two boards on the teaching table
V A: Pity I didn't have something!
Heatherkay: i knew you had nothing
cascade: Double is a possible alternative to 3♣
cascade: and then when partner thinks you have hearts you correct back to spades
Heatherkay: ok would that be telling pd i had hearts too
cascade: next hand ...

Private Bridge Lessons

Brd 4  ♠ AKQT32
West    2
All     T654
       ♣ K2
♠ 984          ♠ 76
 AT87          K9654
 97            AK32
♣ T876         ♣ A4
  jimbd          shekel
       ♠ J5
       ♣ QJ953
         V A
cascade: === Board Four ===

cascade: any questions?
cascade: ===========

cascade: 3♠ is a bit much here
shekel: 1 off then making then 1off
Heatherkay: yes
cascade: only 12 points
Heatherkay: i counted my losers and thought my hand was stronger than it was
cascade: i would just bid 1♠ 2♣; 2♠ Pass!
Heatherkay: yes i agree
shekel: i wld dble 2S assuming part didnt take it as pens :-0
cascade: your partner doesn't have such a nice hand
shekel: cant be pens really can it wayne?
cascade: i think a lot of partnerships would take it as penalties
jimbd: no - takeout
shekel: good i think it is always to too
cascade: 1♠ (P) 1NT (P); 2♠ (X)
cascade: I would certainly take this as penalties
shekel: yes
cascade: the logic is ...
shekel: hope my parts wouldnt though i know some do]
cascade: if you can't make a takeout double over 1♠ how can you over 2♠
cascade: after 1♠ 2♣; 2♠ it is slightly different
shekel: because they bid clubs now...so you must have good red 2 suiter now
cascade: as you might have a hand with hearts and diamonds
shekel: 5 d and 4 H is fine#
cascade: but against that they have both shown strength
shekel: but not the other way?
cascade: so it is dubious whether you would want to come in
cascade: I would overcall immediately with your 14 points
cascade: your hearts are not so good
shekel: if i have spades , part wont...then it will go pass, pass back to part...then he can make a take out dble which i can leave in...
cascade: but you have a good hand

cascade: any more questions?

cascade: I have posted last week's hands and discussion in a blog ...
cascade: www.acolbridgelessons.blogspot.com
cascade: take a look
cascade: i will try and put each weeks lessons there
cascade: so you can review the hands and discussion later

Old York: Would 3NT be better, by South?
Heatherkay: Happy New Year and ty
cascade: that is an option over 3♠

Private Bridge Lessons

Brd 5  ♠ AT74
North   QJ85
NS      J
       ♣ AKT7
♠ 85           ♠ K963
 64            AT97
 KQ742         T65
♣ J983         ♣ Q6
  jimbd          endam
       ♠ QJ2
       ♣ 542
cascade: === Board Five ===

Old York->Kibitzers: 1♣ - 1NT - 3NT ( 1NT = 8-10 balanced, no 4 card major)

cascade: any questions?
cascade: ===========

Geofspa: is 2nt enough from me ?
cascade: 3NT is a bit much Geof
cascade: I might pass 1NT !!!
cascade: 15 opposite a partner who is 6-9(10)
cascade: if you bid 2NT then Michele will go on with 10
Geofspa: Ok
mmelek: what should I have bid?
cascade: what you did is fine
cascade: 1♣ 1; 1 1NT looks like a normal auction to me
Geofspa: I got too adventerous

Private Bridge Lessons

Brd 6  ♠ A
East    643
EW      K97642
       ♣ A82
♠ Q9863        ♠ KJT7
 QJT2          75
 J             AQ3
♣ Q43          ♣ JT76
  jimbd          endam
       ♠ 542
       ♣ K95
cascade: === Board Six ===

mmelek: could 3nt be made?
cascade: optimistic - optimism is often rewarded in bridge but perhaps you went a bit far that time
Geofspa: this is teaching :)
cascade: i didn't look closely but it is normal for 3NT to go off i think
Old York: Ducking the ♣ lead would have been fun! lol
cascade: that would work better
Geofspa: Q ... I normally open 2A and a K ... should I here or should I use casino for guidance ?
cascade: NS have 3 here and EW 2♠
cascade: i think i would open with a six-card suit
DWnstnly->Club: happy new year every one and please register for next months pairs league as soon as you can to go this and read all about it go to www.acolatbbo.org.uk
cascade: 1-3-5-4 i might not open
Old York: Rule of 15 says to pass
cascade: but with a six-card suit i will often be able to push them to 3♠ if they have a spade fit
cascade: if they can make 3♠ then good luck to them
cascade: this is a reasonable example ...
cascade: partner has worse than the average number of spades
cascade: but nice cards i suppose to compensate
cascade: and it is a NS hand in 3
cascade: it is not even clear whether EW will bid spade
cascade: spades*
Old York: After 3 passes, you can expect partner to hold 9-10 hcp
cascade: 1 P 1H P ... looks a normal start
cascade: maybe West would balance with 2♠ ...
cascade: 1 P 1 P; 2 P P 2♠?
cascade: perhaps South will raise to 3 with 10 points
Old York: might be tempted to pass 1 as North
cascade: lets play one more ...

Private Bridge Lessons

Brd 7  ♠ J763
South   92
All     AJ43
       ♣ K97
♠ K42          ♠ AQT8
 T865          A43
 QT9           862
♣ T83          ♣ 654
  jimbd          endam
       ♠ 95
       ♣ AQJ2
cascade: === Board Seven ===

Geofspa: thanks Wayne ... 2006 bonus board ;-) .... or and early bonus 2007 for you ;-)
cascade: i opened because i had six diamonds i think i will rebid them to tell partner
Old York: 12-14 no trump!!!!
cascade: yes this is the first lesson for 2007 for me and the last for 2006 for you
Geofspa: ouch
Old York: please undo
Geofspa: I was expecting 12- 14
jimbd: i thought u were ahead of us :-)
->mmelek: this is an Acol session - 1NT is 12-14
cascade: lets just play please
cascade: I notice that none of the other kiwis have made it here this morning - must have been a hard night ;-)

cascade: any questions?

cascade: 1NT should be 12-14 in Acol
Geofspa: if I know strong NT i bid
cascade: then maybe NS will get to 3NT
cascade: and then we have to defend well to beat 3NT
cascade: heart to the Ace
cascade: and a low spade back
cascade: I would hope that I would find the low spade at trick two
cascade: you just have to hope for partner to have the ♠K
endam: Ihpped he had k of hearts
Old York: If South opens 1.....1-1♠-1N .......what lead?
cascade: invite from north
cascade: 1♣/ 1♠; 1NT 2NT; 3NT
cascade: depends exactly on the 1NT rebid range - i play 15-17
Old York: yes.....but no heart lead
cascade: ok good point
cascade: but declarer still needs heart tricks
cascade: so you can still defeat 3NT
endam: np always willing to learn
Old York: only 1 trick
cascade: y
cascade: so if you can steal one then you will make

cascade: Happy New Year everyone

cascade: thanks especially to all of the players in 2006
cascade: see you back next week

Private Bridge Lessons


it teacher said...

I keep finding practice bridge hands - and it's fun to see if I would have made the same bids.

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