Thursday, January 11, 2007

07/01/07 Hand Five

Private Bridge Lessons

Brd 5  ♠ KQ954
North   AQ93
NS      KT
       ♣ 32
♠ A876         ♠ T3
 T864          K752
 J93           Q52
♣ A5           ♣ QT86
  sergiop56      dblqueen
       ♠ J2
       ♣ KJ974
cascade: Board Five
g0rd0n: no need to shout lol
Geofspa: gl G
g0rd0n: typ
slothy->Kibitzers: should make
slothy: wd
Geofspa: wd P
dblqueen: ...
dblqueen: there seems to be lots of bootings
cascade: any questions?
cascade: ===========
cascade: the bidding looks perfect
krzychu56: is 2NT correct?
dblqueen: my cards are playing slowly
cascade: North has spades and hearts
cascade: and south diamonds and a club stopper
cascade: and North goes on to game with a little extra
slothy: its synchronised to your brain Janee...
cascade: 2NT is fine
cascade: it shows a clubs stopper and no fit for partner's spades or hearts
krzychu56: ok
Zelandakh: noone likes 1nt rather than 2!D?
cascade: any more questions?
Aacol: what is the best lead?
shintaro: evening 'Campers' hi di hi
cascade: 10 points and two five-card suits i think 1NT is not enough
Old York: 1NT = 6-9 in Acol
slothy: 2!D nice
DWnstnly: hi ]
Zelandakh: I wasn't counting the J
cascade: it does not look like there is a good lead
cascade: the unbid suit is a fair shot
cascade: otherwise i would try a heart
cascade: neither works well
dblqueen: i thought my p must have king
cascade: i get dealt so many bad hands I have to count every jack
dblqueen: soon realised otherwise
Old York: East did well not to waste the ♣Q
sergiop56: tried to give you an entry p
cascade: maybe Janee should not play the ♣10 at trick one
dblqueen: didnt play q cos knew it was with s
dblqueen: no i did think that
cascade: the she can play the ♣Q at trick two safely
dblqueen: but often get told i am not signalling high enough
slothy: :)
cascade: the ♣A is a funny lead
cascade: it looks like it is from ♣ Ax or ♣ AKx
cascade: so you need to think that the ♣10 could be costly
Old York: ...or Ace for attitude
cascade: if it was from ♣ AKxx then you must play the Queen next
dblqueen: if he had AKx wouldnt my 10 say i have the q?
cascade: there are hands with lots of clubs where you might want to encourage
dblqueen: play q to unblock?
cascade: next hand ...