Thursday, January 11, 2007

07/01/07 Hand Six

Private Bridge Lessons

Brd 6  ♠ Q9
East    AKJ873
EW      AK8
       ♣ 76
♠ JT642        ♠ 853
 95            642
 T5            QJ76
♣ KQ98         ♣ AT2
  sergiop56      dblqueen
       ♠ AK7
       ♣ J543
cascade: Board Six
cascade: Like I have done for the past couple of weeks or so
cascade: i will be publishing the hands and discussion from this lesson on a blog
slothy: ah nice
cascade: Has anyone looked at these
Geofspa: I am enjoying taking the time to re read them there ... thanks wayne
dblqueen: yes i did the other day tks wayne
cyber: yes good sevice thx Wayne
cascade: you should be able to make comments there if you like
slothy: you need a shave Wayne hee hee
wackojack: do you teach this as natural?
slothy->Kibitzers: ummmm
->wackojack: I don't usually play 2NT as natural on this auction but i let players play whatever they are used to for these sessions
jandrew: do you mind if i put a link to the blog on the Acol Club website ?
Geofspa: ty p
->jandrew: not at all
Old York->Kibitzers: 11 top trix
jandrew: will do then
Aacol: excellent website Wayne
wackojack: thx
->jandrew: thanks
->wackojack: i just require 4-card majors and weak 1NT for the lessons and the players can sort out the rest for themselves
->wackojack: I prefer weak twos
wackojack: thx
cascade: I am very interested in any feedback about the hands that are published - so feel free to leave a comment on the blog or to email me
cascade: any questions?
Geofspa: yes 100's
cascade: lol
Zelandakh: the same ones as over the earlier 2nt bid lol
Geofspa: 2nt is a max passed hand ?
rq4mulae: also #5: no low level NS contracts were set, and top board for them was 1NT+3! good scores for EW were 3/4♠W, setting 4 or 2 with o/t. so, good defense of 1NT; weak bidding. ...
rq4mulae: :-)
cascade: after these 2NT bids you definitely need agreements about what is forcing
V A: No! We played a couple of hands in the class!
cascade: I normally prefer to play 2NT as a heart raise (Jacoby or similar)
Geofspa: even as passed ?
cascade: but natural is fine - around 10-12 hcp
shintaro: personally i would merely rebid 4 with geof's hand on this auction
g0rd0n: with 17pts 6 he knows i have 2 h and 10 or 11pts he shd bid game
cascade: that would be safe if you were not sure
dblqueen: me too i think
Geofspa: I was tempted ... but it seems too final to bid 4
cascade: well you have 17 fairly balanced
g0rd0n: i cannot have 12 here since i passed
cascade: and partner should have two hearts for 2NT
cascade: so slam is not that likely
cascade: and you have a weak suit so I would not consider 3NT
Old York: As soon as you know the right it. :o)
sergiop56: tks wayne
cascade: 2NT is very difficult to bid accurately over
cascade: as the opener has such a wide range of hands
Geofspa: I was thinking it is possible that slam is on ... 4 shuts out the bidding .... so I should "pretend" with a new suit ?
cascade: he could be weak and distributional
shintaro: is it when holding a good 6 card suit ???
cascade: strong and distributional
cascade: weak with a five-card major
cascade: or strong with a five-card major (balanced 15-19 or semibalanced)
cascade: you will find that you cannot show all of these hands
g0rd0n: sry all gtg tx p ,ops and all
g0rd0n: bye
sergiop56: bye
1eyedjack: Geof, try to construct a balanced passed hand that makes slam, and see how difficult is the task. You are allowed to take your time in the bidding
cascade: with a strong six-card major you can just bid game
cascade: but that doesnt make the general principle that it is hard over 2NT wrong
Geofspa: Lol
cascade: in any serious or semi-serious partnership you need to discuss which bids are forcing and which are NF
cascade: lets finish here
cascade: thanks everyone
cascade: especially the players
Geofspa: thanks Wayne
cascade: and Diana for organizing us - i think she has gone already
sergiop56: tks wayne
dblqueen: thanks very much wayne
cascade: my pleasure everyone
amms3: yes . starts every sunday at 6.30
cascade: I will be back next week then away for two weeks
Old York: Coventry next weekend
Geofspa: The UK F2F meeting is bext week ...
cascade: oh should i cancel next week
Geofspa: So it might be a bit light Wayne
cascade: enjoy everyone in Coventry
Geofspa: No ... I;ll try to get on from hotel
cascade: I will come and if there are not many here i will go away ;-)
Geofspa: thanks Wayne
cyber: your NZ fans are still interested lol
stretchit: are you guys going to paly a few more hands now?
dblqueen: not on this teaching table no
Old York: Anzacs in Coventry too
dblqueen: byee everyone