Thursday, January 11, 2007

07/01/07 Hand One

Private Bridge Lessons

Brd 1  ♠ AQJ4
North   A72
None    4
       ♣ A9843
♠ K832         ♠ T75
 J8            96
 JT6           AKQ852
♣ KQJ2         ♣ 75
                 Old York
       ♠ 96
       ♣ T6
         V A
cascade: Welcome everyone
cascade: Good Luck
cascade: We will change players every two boards
cascade: and discuss each board after we play
DWnstnly: ann can you play two boards??
Old York: glp
V A: gto/wpp
cascade: any questions?
cascade: 1♣, 1 and 1 are fine
Patrianh: we miss 4?
Old York: I hoped West had better Spades...sorry
cascade: I would want five spades to bid 1♠
Zelandakh: 1!D rather than 2!D?
cascade: it I want to bid with four spades I can double
cascade: Similarly I would want six clubs to bid 2♣
Old York: I play intermediate jump overcalls(11-15) Yes I know it's old-fashioned lol
cascade: ♣ A9xxx is not the sort of suit that I would like to emphasise
cascade: With the North hand you can pass or raise to 2
cascade: i prefer the raise ...
cascade: even though partner might only have four hearts
Old York: Does Vic play Neg. Doubles?
Patrianh: I should know p has 5
V A: yes
Zelandakh: wouldn't dbl show either support (3s) or strong NT hand without stop depending oin sgreement?
cascade: after 1♣ (1) ...
cascade: 1Major only shows four cards
cascade: as to make a negative double you need both majors
cascade: If North raises hearts then South is in a much better position to compete
cascade: some double as to show three-card support (Support Double)
Mario_LT: hi all
cascade: its not my favourite convention but some like it
cascade: 2♠ is ok Tony as you might think that your partner has five spades
Zelandakh: what do U play dbl here as - I only know of support and 'strong NT dbl' in this spot really
cascade: this is a unique auction in that all of the suits have been bid
Mario_LT: sorry
cascade: and the bidding is low
luke5540: would love to join you Tony but am excluded
Old York: If Vic does play negative double...does 1 guarantee 5+ card suit?
cascade: you almost don't need a double
Old York: Hi Geof, thx
cascade: i can bid 1NT with a strong NT hand
cascade: or jump with strength
cascade: we would double with a strong NT type hand or similar with no spade stopper
cascade: next hand ...