General Hands (Christmas Morning) - 25/12/2006
=== Board One ===Brd 1 ♠ QJT
North ♥ T4
None ♦ JT932
♣ Q72
♠ A93 ♠ K7642
♥ K6532 ♥ AQJ98
♦ A76 ♦ 54
♣ T8 ♣ A
Old York stan101
♠ 85
♥ 7
♦ KQ8
♣ KJ96543
AacolWest North East South Pass 1♠ 3♣ Pass Pass 3♥ Pass 4♥ Pass Pass Pass        
DWnstnly: hey wayne happy christmas
->DWnstnly: Hi Happy Christmas to you too
->helene_t: Happy Christmas Helene :-)
DWnstnly: you want to do your class ? i dont think many will be atrround
->DWnstnly: I will try and see who turns up
boris3161->Kibitzers: Happy Xmas, Wayne :)
DWnstnly: ok
cascade: Thanks Happy Christmas
DWnstnly->Club: cascades acol class about to begin in the club on the teaching table
->Aacol: Hi Lawrence
Aacol: merry Xmas :)
Aacol: hi Chris
boris3161: hi Lawrence
cascade: Welcome everyone
Old York: hi all
cascade: and Happy Christmas
Dianne0516->Kibitzers: Hi Wayne
Aacol: and to you too Wayne :)
cascade: We will see how many people we get on this Christmas Eve/Christmas morning
boris3161: weak?
->boris3161: yes
boris3161: ta :)
Aacol: just after 6.30pm here in London wayne
Geofspa->Kibitzers: And here in Loughborough
Old York: typ
cascade: 730am Christmas Morning here
tigeramy (Lobby): Happy Xmas, Wayne!
Geofspa: did you mean a teaching table ?
->Geofspa: yes :-(
luke5540: nice Tony
Aacol: wdo
cascade: Sorry everyone I forgot to make this a teaching table
cascade: can we close and rejoin me at a teaching table
Geofspa->Kibitzers: I have the board saved
boris3161: let's all move :)
cascade: thanks
Geofspa: do you need the boards ?
Aacol: a tic
boris3161: I've seen these before! :)
cascade: Sam and Tony are in opposite seats but that doesnt matter
cascade: please rebid and then we will claim and discuss
Aacol: I have the same hand :)
Aacol: oh, ok
->stan101: 1♠ please
->Old York: Pass
->stan101: 3♥
->Old York: 4♥ next time
Old York: glp
boris3161: lol
Aacol: well, what to lead? :)
boris3161: ♦K :)
Aacol: stan can claim +1
Dianne0516: Everyone seems merry :)
DWnstnly->Kibitzers: ok 1 more name please for boards 3 and 4
cascade: claim now and we will discuss
cascade: any questions?
Aacol: is 3♣ ok?
666mihkel: 4c
Dianne0516: Why doesn't west bid first time?
DWnstnly: im putting luke in next 4 its christmas
luke5540: non-vulnerable i'd bid 5 clubs lol
DWnstnly: haha
cascade: 3♣ is fine
luke5540: Dianne - Ditto??
cascade: so long as you have agreed weak jump overcalls
Aacol: I had an idea chris might know what it meant
loubel: what does it take for west to bid after 3♣?
boris3161: wasn't certain.....
Dianne0516: 3 spades
cascade: I would bid with this West hand
cascade: it is a stretch to bid but you can't sit around and let the opponents bully you out of the auction with a decent hand
Cullinan: 3H or DbL?
Old York: Because of spade support, I would bid 3♥
cascade: With AAK - I would always open
cascade: here we have a five-card suit
cascade: and some support for partner ♠ Axx
cascade: East will have five spades most of the time
cascade: the choices are
cascade: 1. 3♠ - I think you are too strong
cascade: 2. 4♠ - but it might only be a 4-3 fit
cascade: 3. 3♥ - this is forcing so you will end in game
cascade: or 4. Dbl - but this shows only four hearts
cascade: I would bid 3♥
cascade: and at least have a good chance of getting to the right fit
cascade: double is not too bad
luke5540: it's easier when West opens no??
cascade: but I think if I double and partner rebids spades I will feel obliged to raise
666mihkel: is there any website about acol
cascade: so if I am going to game anyway I may as well show my five-card heart suit
Aacol: say chris had known what my 3♣ meant ...
Cullinan: unfortunately West not dealer tho
->666mihkel: I am not sure of a good one
Aacol: wd it be right for him to bid 5♣?
666mihkel: usual will do
->666mihkel: but there is bound to be if you do a search
boris3161: I tht about it
cascade: I wouldnt be that keen to raise with the North hand
boris3161: but I tht my hand was essentially useless
Aacol: partic cos non VUL
cascade: balanced and very weak
cascade: 5♣ will be -3 i think which is too much at these colours
Aacol: k
cascade: and you have good fitting cards ...
cascade: without the ♦J there would be a risk of -4
Old York: If Boris bids 4♣ after West passes......??
cascade: 4♣ after west passes puts more pressure on
boris3161: y - true
cascade: and might have some merit
cascade: since he is weak and he knows his partner is weak
cascade: and therefore there must be a good chance that EW have a game
cascade: and 4♣ will make it a little more difficult for them to bid game
Aacol: good thinking
cascade: That is a good reason for West to bid first !!!
cascade: When we reloaded the board ...
Dianne0516: Wouldn't west's ptnr take him for more hcp at the 3 level than at the two level--he didn't have to bid
cascade: Stan you bid 1♥ ...
cascade: with 5/5 it is correct to open the higher ranking suit
cascade: except occasionally with spades and clubs
Old York: As East, I found it hard to justify my 3♥ bid....but much better than passing 3♣
cascade: 3♥ is forcing to game
cascade: so normally will be around 13+
cascade: but i think it is the least of evils here
cascade: when the opponents pre-empt
cascade: sometimes you have to stretch a little
cascade: fortunately for West I think East has an easy 3♥ bid
cascade: again you have to take some risks in these sorts of auctions
Old York: What would Boris have led, had west been declarer in 4♥?
cascade: something as little as ♠ xx ♥ 10xxx ♦ Axxx ♣ xxx would have a reasonable play for game
Cullinan: is it not better to presume bidding still at 2 level and ignore the pre-empt and say I would have at 2 level
boris3161: ♦J
cascade: I would lead a low club - partner's suit
boris3161: of course, sorry
cascade: that is probably not too bad as a rule of thumb Roger
cascade: there will be some hands where you would have bid at the two level but three level is too high
cascade: but mostly if you can imagine there might still be a game opposite a partner who passed then you need to bid
Old York: It is easy to discard ♦ losers on a club lead. lol
DWnstnly->Kibitzers: BOARDS 3 AND 4 players are geof , 666mihkel ,, luke,, and cullinan when theses asked to leave please grab a seat
cascade: that is unlucky Tony (or lucky)
Cullinan: yes as in only having 4H's and 3S with similar points
cascade: the normal lead is not always the best
cascade: next hand ...
->DWnstnly: Hi Happy Christmas to you too
->helene_t: Happy Christmas Helene :-)
DWnstnly: you want to do your class ? i dont think many will be atrround
->DWnstnly: I will try and see who turns up
boris3161->Kibitzers: Happy Xmas, Wayne :)
DWnstnly: ok
cascade: Thanks Happy Christmas
DWnstnly->Club: cascades acol class about to begin in the club on the teaching table
->Aacol: Hi Lawrence
Aacol: merry Xmas :)
Aacol: hi Chris
boris3161: hi Lawrence
cascade: Welcome everyone
Old York: hi all
cascade: and Happy Christmas
Dianne0516->Kibitzers: Hi Wayne
Aacol: and to you too Wayne :)
cascade: We will see how many people we get on this Christmas Eve/Christmas morning
boris3161: weak?
->boris3161: yes
boris3161: ta :)
Aacol: just after 6.30pm here in London wayne
Geofspa->Kibitzers: And here in Loughborough
Old York: typ
cascade: 730am Christmas Morning here
tigeramy (Lobby): Happy Xmas, Wayne!
Geofspa: did you mean a teaching table ?
->Geofspa: yes :-(
luke5540: nice Tony
Aacol: wdo
cascade: Sorry everyone I forgot to make this a teaching table
cascade: can we close and rejoin me at a teaching table
Geofspa->Kibitzers: I have the board saved
boris3161: let's all move :)
cascade: thanks
Geofspa: do you need the boards ?
Aacol: a tic
boris3161: I've seen these before! :)
cascade: Sam and Tony are in opposite seats but that doesnt matter
cascade: please rebid and then we will claim and discuss
Aacol: I have the same hand :)
Aacol: oh, ok
->stan101: 1♠ please
->Old York: Pass
->stan101: 3♥
->Old York: 4♥ next time
Old York: glp
boris3161: lol
Aacol: well, what to lead? :)
boris3161: ♦K :)
Aacol: stan can claim +1
Dianne0516: Everyone seems merry :)
DWnstnly->Kibitzers: ok 1 more name please for boards 3 and 4
cascade: claim now and we will discuss
cascade: any questions?
Aacol: is 3♣ ok?
666mihkel: 4c
Dianne0516: Why doesn't west bid first time?
DWnstnly: im putting luke in next 4 its christmas
luke5540: non-vulnerable i'd bid 5 clubs lol
DWnstnly: haha
cascade: 3♣ is fine
luke5540: Dianne - Ditto??
cascade: so long as you have agreed weak jump overcalls
Aacol: I had an idea chris might know what it meant
loubel: what does it take for west to bid after 3♣?
boris3161: wasn't certain.....
Dianne0516: 3 spades
cascade: I would bid with this West hand
cascade: it is a stretch to bid but you can't sit around and let the opponents bully you out of the auction with a decent hand
Cullinan: 3H or DbL?
Old York: Because of spade support, I would bid 3♥
cascade: With AAK - I would always open
cascade: here we have a five-card suit
cascade: and some support for partner ♠ Axx
cascade: East will have five spades most of the time
cascade: the choices are
cascade: 1. 3♠ - I think you are too strong
cascade: 2. 4♠ - but it might only be a 4-3 fit
cascade: 3. 3♥ - this is forcing so you will end in game
cascade: or 4. Dbl - but this shows only four hearts
cascade: I would bid 3♥
cascade: and at least have a good chance of getting to the right fit
cascade: double is not too bad
luke5540: it's easier when West opens no??
cascade: but I think if I double and partner rebids spades I will feel obliged to raise
666mihkel: is there any website about acol
cascade: so if I am going to game anyway I may as well show my five-card heart suit
Aacol: say chris had known what my 3♣ meant ...
Cullinan: unfortunately West not dealer tho
->666mihkel: I am not sure of a good one
Aacol: wd it be right for him to bid 5♣?
666mihkel: usual will do
->666mihkel: but there is bound to be if you do a search
boris3161: I tht about it
cascade: I wouldnt be that keen to raise with the North hand
boris3161: but I tht my hand was essentially useless
Aacol: partic cos non VUL
cascade: balanced and very weak
cascade: 5♣ will be -3 i think which is too much at these colours
Aacol: k
cascade: and you have good fitting cards ...
cascade: without the ♦J there would be a risk of -4
Old York: If Boris bids 4♣ after West passes......??
cascade: 4♣ after west passes puts more pressure on
boris3161: y - true
cascade: and might have some merit
cascade: since he is weak and he knows his partner is weak
cascade: and therefore there must be a good chance that EW have a game
cascade: and 4♣ will make it a little more difficult for them to bid game
Aacol: good thinking
cascade: That is a good reason for West to bid first !!!
cascade: When we reloaded the board ...
Dianne0516: Wouldn't west's ptnr take him for more hcp at the 3 level than at the two level--he didn't have to bid
cascade: Stan you bid 1♥ ...
cascade: with 5/5 it is correct to open the higher ranking suit
cascade: except occasionally with spades and clubs
Old York: As East, I found it hard to justify my 3♥ bid....but much better than passing 3♣
cascade: 3♥ is forcing to game
cascade: so normally will be around 13+
cascade: but i think it is the least of evils here
cascade: when the opponents pre-empt
cascade: sometimes you have to stretch a little
cascade: fortunately for West I think East has an easy 3♥ bid
cascade: again you have to take some risks in these sorts of auctions
Old York: What would Boris have led, had west been declarer in 4♥?
cascade: something as little as ♠ xx ♥ 10xxx ♦ Axxx ♣ xxx would have a reasonable play for game
Cullinan: is it not better to presume bidding still at 2 level and ignore the pre-empt and say I would have at 2 level
boris3161: ♦J
cascade: I would lead a low club - partner's suit
boris3161: of course, sorry
cascade: that is probably not too bad as a rule of thumb Roger
cascade: there will be some hands where you would have bid at the two level but three level is too high
cascade: but mostly if you can imagine there might still be a game opposite a partner who passed then you need to bid
Old York: It is easy to discard ♦ losers on a club lead. lol
DWnstnly->Kibitzers: BOARDS 3 AND 4 players are geof , 666mihkel ,, luke,, and cullinan when theses asked to leave please grab a seat
cascade: that is unlucky Tony (or lucky)
Cullinan: yes as in only having 4H's and 3S with similar points
cascade: the normal lead is not always the best
cascade: next hand ...
=== Board Two ===
Brd 2 ♠ KT42 East ♥ QT NS ♦ 84 ♣ AQJ98 boris3161 ♠ AQ6 ♠ J973 ♥ AK9 ♥ 865 ♦ JT97 ♦ KQ5 ♣ KT2 ♣ 753 Old York stan101 ♠ 85 ♥ J7432 ♦ A632 ♣ 64 Aacol | West | North | East | South |
Pass | Pass | |||
1♦ | 2♣ | Pass | Pass | |
Pass | ||||
  | ||||
  | ||||
  | ||||
cascade: With my BIL lessons I have begun publishing the text and hands from the lessons in a blog ...
DWnstnly: ok next 4 ready scroll back for names
Old York: are these hands random?
cascade: look here
cascade: I will do the same for these Acol lessons
boris3161: thanks, Wayne
cascade: but you need to be warned that your comments will appear there
cascade: if you have any objection to that then you can do one of two things
cascade: 1. keep quiet in the lessons ;-)
cascade: 2. let me know and I can change your name in the txt
cascade: but I would prefer not to do 2. as it will make more work for me
cascade: Yes Tony they are random hands
cascade: just dealt by BBO
->DWnstnly: thanks
Old York->Kibitzers: Is Stan playing neg x ?
Aacol: ...
Old York->Kibitzers: If Stan x, then 2NT
Le Roro: Stan is just telling you ha can not support your bid
boris3161: ty p
Aacol: gl
Geofspa: let it snow, let it snow, let it snow,
Aacol: wd Chris
cascade: any questions?
cascade: ===========
Dianne0516: Why not west 1nt
Aacol: nty
Cullinan: Why not 1NT by West?
luke5540: I think I double with W's hand and hope my P understands??
cascade: Because we are playing Acol which has a weak 1NT 12-14
Le Roro: cos west is a moron
luke5540: it is hard to bid 1nt over 2 clubs
->Le Roro: that comment is not helpful
Dianne0516: :)
666mihkel: sry i cant play these hands
Cullinan: meant as a rebid to show a normal rebid of 2NT
Cullinan: true
Dianne0516: Does that need to be alerted?
Le Roro: well i am sorry
tigeramy: thought E should bid
cascade: just before I talk about the bidding
cascade: in the play EW could have defeated 2♣
luke5540: me too but STan may not play Sputnik/negative doubles
luke5540: I agree boss ace of spadea at trick10
Old York: ♦5 lead was impossible to judge
cascade: Tony even at the end you can defeat this contract with a third spade
Le Roro: why all tgis disection
Le Roro: it is a hand that just went pOUF
luke5540: Rory this is a teaching session
DWnstnly: 666 has had to leave badderzboy taking his place
Old York: I read ♦5 as denying KQx
cascade: you need to force Chris to play clubs from his hand
cascade: ...
cascade: and as someone pointed out you are in this position because you played low on the first spade
Old York: Therefore partners points are elsewhere!
Le Roro: i am old school
Le Roro: when do you have these learining lessons
Old York: ....because Boris did not double!!!!
cascade: so go in with your first spade and return a spade
cascade: in fact it is even better if you lead a low spade earlier instead of the heart
Cullinan: probaly a H discard from East boss D may better play then return forces dec or ruff by east
cascade: in the bidding ...
badderzboy: this is a teaching session for ACOL players pls allow us to learn rather than dilute chat pls its extremely rude!
cascade: I would bid with the East hand
stan101: sorry have 2 go
cascade: East has ♦KQ which are in partner's suit
cascade: this alone would encourage me to bid
Old York: I played that way because declarer did not lead a spade from dummy @ trick 2
cascade: its not clear what the best bid is with East
cascade: i think it is close between Dbl (negative) but that should really promise both majors
cascade: and raising diamonds which should really promise four diamonds
cascade: I suppose since neither is ideal pass is ok too - but I would want to bid
luke5540: I'd go for X can stand bything p says
luke5540: *anything
cascade: Dbl might not work out so well if partner bids hearts since it will most likely be a 4-3 fit and you have no shortage in the short trump hand
Cullinan: should a dbl at 2 level not promise 8+ points now West would be looking at game ?
badderzboy: with Dbl I promise values and a 4333 shape with 6 pts in pretty thin - hard for West not to bid 3NT over dbl?
cascade: P P 1♦ 2♣; P P ?
Old York: Win ♦ lead, lead a Spade intending to ruff losers....Q.E.D.
luke5540: congrat's Tony
cascade: I think i might double in last seat with the West cards ...
cascade: how many values do you promise
cascade: at this level I don't promise anything more than something I would bid 1NT on
luke5540: and now poor East is in the "stew" again lol
cascade: sure but he is allowed to have a five-card suit so I think it is worth West doubling
Old York: No winning options realy. :o) Story of my life
cascade: although its close enough that it is not a big deal
cascade: thanks for playing
cascade: lets change players
Old York: ty
cascade: you need to talk to DWnstnly if you want to play
Old York: EVERYBODY should be made very welcome
DWnstnly: ok they all play acol
Geofspa: Please be aware this is ACOL ... weak NT with 4 card majors
DWnstnly: ok next 4 ready scroll back for names
Old York: are these hands random?
cascade: look here
cascade: I will do the same for these Acol lessons
boris3161: thanks, Wayne
cascade: but you need to be warned that your comments will appear there
cascade: if you have any objection to that then you can do one of two things
cascade: 1. keep quiet in the lessons ;-)
cascade: 2. let me know and I can change your name in the txt
cascade: but I would prefer not to do 2. as it will make more work for me
cascade: Yes Tony they are random hands
cascade: just dealt by BBO
->DWnstnly: thanks
Old York->Kibitzers: Is Stan playing neg x ?
Aacol: ...
Old York->Kibitzers: If Stan x, then 2NT
Le Roro: Stan is just telling you ha can not support your bid
boris3161: ty p
Aacol: gl
Geofspa: let it snow, let it snow, let it snow,
Aacol: wd Chris
cascade: any questions?
cascade: ===========
Dianne0516: Why not west 1nt
Aacol: nty
Cullinan: Why not 1NT by West?
luke5540: I think I double with W's hand and hope my P understands??
cascade: Because we are playing Acol which has a weak 1NT 12-14
Le Roro: cos west is a moron
luke5540: it is hard to bid 1nt over 2 clubs
->Le Roro: that comment is not helpful
Dianne0516: :)
666mihkel: sry i cant play these hands
Cullinan: meant as a rebid to show a normal rebid of 2NT
Cullinan: true
Dianne0516: Does that need to be alerted?
Le Roro: well i am sorry
tigeramy: thought E should bid
cascade: just before I talk about the bidding
cascade: in the play EW could have defeated 2♣
luke5540: me too but STan may not play Sputnik/negative doubles
luke5540: I agree boss ace of spadea at trick10
Old York: ♦5 lead was impossible to judge
cascade: Tony even at the end you can defeat this contract with a third spade
Le Roro: why all tgis disection
Le Roro: it is a hand that just went pOUF
luke5540: Rory this is a teaching session
DWnstnly: 666 has had to leave badderzboy taking his place
Old York: I read ♦5 as denying KQx
cascade: you need to force Chris to play clubs from his hand
cascade: ...
cascade: and as someone pointed out you are in this position because you played low on the first spade
Old York: Therefore partners points are elsewhere!
Le Roro: i am old school
Le Roro: when do you have these learining lessons
Old York: ....because Boris did not double!!!!
cascade: so go in with your first spade and return a spade
cascade: in fact it is even better if you lead a low spade earlier instead of the heart
Cullinan: probaly a H discard from East boss D may better play then return forces dec or ruff by east
cascade: in the bidding ...
badderzboy: this is a teaching session for ACOL players pls allow us to learn rather than dilute chat pls its extremely rude!
cascade: I would bid with the East hand
stan101: sorry have 2 go
cascade: East has ♦KQ which are in partner's suit
cascade: this alone would encourage me to bid
Old York: I played that way because declarer did not lead a spade from dummy @ trick 2
cascade: its not clear what the best bid is with East
cascade: i think it is close between Dbl (negative) but that should really promise both majors
cascade: and raising diamonds which should really promise four diamonds
cascade: I suppose since neither is ideal pass is ok too - but I would want to bid
luke5540: I'd go for X can stand bything p says
luke5540: *anything
cascade: Dbl might not work out so well if partner bids hearts since it will most likely be a 4-3 fit and you have no shortage in the short trump hand
Cullinan: should a dbl at 2 level not promise 8+ points now West would be looking at game ?
badderzboy: with Dbl I promise values and a 4333 shape with 6 pts in pretty thin - hard for West not to bid 3NT over dbl?
cascade: P P 1♦ 2♣; P P ?
Old York: Win ♦ lead, lead a Spade intending to ruff losers....Q.E.D.
luke5540: congrat's Tony
cascade: I think i might double in last seat with the West cards ...
cascade: how many values do you promise
cascade: at this level I don't promise anything more than something I would bid 1NT on
luke5540: and now poor East is in the "stew" again lol
cascade: sure but he is allowed to have a five-card suit so I think it is worth West doubling
Old York: No winning options realy. :o) Story of my life
cascade: although its close enough that it is not a big deal
cascade: thanks for playing
cascade: lets change players
Old York: ty
cascade: you need to talk to DWnstnly if you want to play
Old York: EVERYBODY should be made very welcome
DWnstnly: ok they all play acol
Geofspa: Please be aware this is ACOL ... weak NT with 4 card majors
Brd 3 ♠ 4 South ♥ A9754 EW ♦ AKT6 ♣ KT6 santababy1 ♠ AJ85 ♠ K32 ♥ KT6 ♥ J832 ♦ 983 ♦ J42 ♣ 983 ♣ Q75 elcie4 Cullinan ♠ QT976 ♥ Q ♦ Q75 ♣ AJ42 Geofspa | West | North | East | South |
Pass | ||||
Pass | 1♥ | Pass | 1♠ | |
Pass | 2♦ | Pass | 2♠ | |
Pass | Pass | Pass | ||
  | ||||
  | ||||
  | ||||
santababy1: gl
Geofspa: ty p
->tigeramy: Hi
tigeramy: Nice treat 4 Xmas, :-) ty Wayne.
DWnstnly: i would say students havibg a go
->tigeramy: my pleasure
DWnstnly: you want more or is this the last
->DWnstnly: I will do two more
DWnstnly: ok
cascade: any questions?
cascade: ===========
DWnstnly->Kibitzers: ok names for last two boards please
santababy1: pass 2D?
tigeramy: 2C by geof?
luke5540: no way either
1eyedjack: somehow I would like to be in 3N, and I think the 2S bid is the culprit
cascade: with 11 points I would rebid 2NT with Geof's hand
Cullinan: would you bid 2NT with South hand?
cascade: yes then I would raise with the North cards
cascade: 2♠ should be a six-card suit
cascade: and a weaker hand
Aacol: why raise 2NT with the N cards?
luke5540: 14 + 11/12 is enough
cascade: yum i have had breakfast delivered - this has never happened to me before :-))
Aacol: :)
Geofspa: Ham and egg ?
cascade: 2NT shows around 11 hcp
cascade: and North has 14 which is getting close enough to game
cascade: ham and cheese croissant ;-))
cascade: any more questions?
Geofspa: Nty
Geofspa: ty p
->tigeramy: Hi
tigeramy: Nice treat 4 Xmas, :-) ty Wayne.
DWnstnly: i would say students havibg a go
->tigeramy: my pleasure
DWnstnly: you want more or is this the last
->DWnstnly: I will do two more
DWnstnly: ok
cascade: any questions?
cascade: ===========
DWnstnly->Kibitzers: ok names for last two boards please
santababy1: pass 2D?
tigeramy: 2C by geof?
luke5540: no way either
1eyedjack: somehow I would like to be in 3N, and I think the 2S bid is the culprit
cascade: with 11 points I would rebid 2NT with Geof's hand
Cullinan: would you bid 2NT with South hand?
cascade: yes then I would raise with the North cards
cascade: 2♠ should be a six-card suit
cascade: and a weaker hand
Aacol: why raise 2NT with the N cards?
luke5540: 14 + 11/12 is enough
cascade: yum i have had breakfast delivered - this has never happened to me before :-))
Aacol: :)
Geofspa: Ham and egg ?
cascade: 2NT shows around 11 hcp
cascade: and North has 14 which is getting close enough to game
cascade: ham and cheese croissant ;-))
cascade: any more questions?
Geofspa: Nty
Brd 4 ♠ AT86 West ♥ KJ854 All ♦ 7 ♣ A98 santababy1 ♠ Q9543 ♠ K72 ♥ 7 ♥ A93 ♦ 652 ♦ AKQJT ♣ Q742 ♣ J3 boris3161 Cullinan ♠ J ♥ QT62 ♦ 9843 ♣ KT65 Geofspa | West | North | East | South |
Pass | 1♥ | 1NT | 2♥ | |
Pass | Pass | Dbl | Pass | |
2♠ | Pass | Pass | Pass | |
  | ||||
  | ||||
  | ||||
Cullinan: we need a 4th
Cullinan: thx Boris
Geofspa->Kibitzers: I was expecting ♠ bid at some point ,,, normally opening by partner
Cullinan: yes
dkgrab (Lobby): Happy Holidays :)
boris3161: ty p
DWnstnly->Kibitzers: names for last two boards please
->dkgrab: Hi thanks best wishes for you too
DWnstnly->Kibitzers: even if you played befor
Cullinan: point too many ideally for 1NT overcall but considered it better than dbl
boris3161: no argument from me, p :)
Cullinan: I normally play 15-17
DWnstnly: i only have 1 change over tiny crabs will take miss chefs seat please tell her when to leave
boris3161: sp
Cullinan: npp
Geofspa: nt
Cullinan: g try
santababy1: hard luck
cascade: any questions?
cascade: ===========
Old York: good defence
cascade: 1NT is fine
luke5540: excellent north
cascade: I usually play a 1NT overcall is 15-18
Cullinan: do you agree with dbl tho
cascade: not really
cascade: i would rather bid with the West hand than the East hand after 2♥
DWnstnly: and tigeramy
cascade: West should be thinking after the 1NT overcall ...
treddls->Club: any takers for a new table ?
cascade: that "OUR side has around half the points - so I should be competing on suitable hands"
cascade: and a five-card major is enough to compete
cascade: so I would bid 2♠ over 2♥
boris3161: y - being too timid again :)
Cullinan: think I might dbl for take out in West seat
cascade: that is ok
cascade: i would prefer to bid my five-card major though
Cullinan: uif not bidding 2S
cascade: East on the other hand has the wrong distribution for double
DWnstnly: so north south tiny carabs and tigeramy
cascade: although I suppose he can correct 3♣ to 3♦ if it comes to that
Cullinan: yes but didn't think I could leave 2 knowing opps had 8 or 9 H's between them
Old York: I would probably compete to 3♥, but don't like vuln
cascade: its funny in the play the dummy with 18 points ran out of entries
cascade: I might compete with the South hand ...
dblqueen: merry xmas to u wayne
cascade: four trumps and a singleton
->dblqueen: thanks and Happy Christmas to you too
Cullinan: looks like thers a play for 4H
santababy1: and east leads ace and another trump:-)
cascade: 4♥ will come close
santababy1: never..
cascade: lets move on
cascade: thanks for playing
Old York: lol
santababy1: ty
Geofspa: thanks Wayne ... enjoy your christmas
cascade: please vacate the seats for the next players
cascade: will do Geof you too
boris3161: I think I'm in for the next 2 as well :)
->boris3161: popular guy ;-)
Geofspa: Still waiting for santa to smash the roof tiles :):)
boris3161: sorry!
Cullinan: good evening all
boris3161: hi :)
->DWnstnly: did we have someone else for South?
treddls: hi - ok if i come in here?
->treddls: no sorry - we have arranged for someone else
Cullinan: thx Boris
Geofspa->Kibitzers: I was expecting ♠ bid at some point ,,, normally opening by partner
Cullinan: yes
dkgrab (Lobby): Happy Holidays :)
boris3161: ty p
DWnstnly->Kibitzers: names for last two boards please
->dkgrab: Hi thanks best wishes for you too
DWnstnly->Kibitzers: even if you played befor
Cullinan: point too many ideally for 1NT overcall but considered it better than dbl
boris3161: no argument from me, p :)
Cullinan: I normally play 15-17
DWnstnly: i only have 1 change over tiny crabs will take miss chefs seat please tell her when to leave
boris3161: sp
Cullinan: npp
Geofspa: nt
Cullinan: g try
santababy1: hard luck
cascade: any questions?
cascade: ===========
Old York: good defence
cascade: 1NT is fine
luke5540: excellent north
cascade: I usually play a 1NT overcall is 15-18
Cullinan: do you agree with dbl tho
cascade: not really
cascade: i would rather bid with the West hand than the East hand after 2♥
DWnstnly: and tigeramy
cascade: West should be thinking after the 1NT overcall ...
treddls->Club: any takers for a new table ?
cascade: that "OUR side has around half the points - so I should be competing on suitable hands"
cascade: and a five-card major is enough to compete
cascade: so I would bid 2♠ over 2♥
boris3161: y - being too timid again :)
Cullinan: think I might dbl for take out in West seat
cascade: that is ok
cascade: i would prefer to bid my five-card major though
Cullinan: uif not bidding 2S
cascade: East on the other hand has the wrong distribution for double
DWnstnly: so north south tiny carabs and tigeramy
cascade: although I suppose he can correct 3♣ to 3♦ if it comes to that
Cullinan: yes but didn't think I could leave 2 knowing opps had 8 or 9 H's between them
Old York: I would probably compete to 3♥, but don't like vuln
cascade: its funny in the play the dummy with 18 points ran out of entries
cascade: I might compete with the South hand ...
dblqueen: merry xmas to u wayne
cascade: four trumps and a singleton
->dblqueen: thanks and Happy Christmas to you too
Cullinan: looks like thers a play for 4H
santababy1: and east leads ace and another trump:-)
cascade: 4♥ will come close
santababy1: never..
cascade: lets move on
cascade: thanks for playing
Old York: lol
santababy1: ty
Geofspa: thanks Wayne ... enjoy your christmas
cascade: please vacate the seats for the next players
cascade: will do Geof you too
boris3161: I think I'm in for the next 2 as well :)
->boris3161: popular guy ;-)
Geofspa: Still waiting for santa to smash the roof tiles :):)
boris3161: sorry!
Cullinan: good evening all
boris3161: hi :)
->DWnstnly: did we have someone else for South?
treddls: hi - ok if i come in here?
->treddls: no sorry - we have arranged for someone else
Brd 5 ♠ AKQT North ♥ J965 NS ♦ AT5 ♣ QJ tigeramy ♠ J8765 ♠ 32 ♥ T ♥ A842 ♦ QJ87 ♦ 963 ♣ K92 ♣ A843 boris3161 Cullinan ♠ 94 ♥ KQ73 ♦ K42 ♣ T765 tinycrab6 | West | North | East | South |
1♥ | Pass | 2♥ | ||
Pass | 2NT | Pass | 3♣ | |
Pass | 4♥ | Pass | Pass | |
Pass | ||||
  | ||||
  | ||||
  | ||||
cascade: Good luck
tinycrab6: hi p your card fine
T/ 22. Pm UK /23.France/ 24 TR time
tinycrab6: Merry xmas all :-)
Cullinan: merry xmas
tigeramy: typ
tinycrab6: glp
DWnstnly->Club: we would like to thank you wayne for giving up your christmass morning to do our class
cascade: its my please Diana
cascade: We have a lovely summer's day in NZ ...
cascade: low cloud and pouring rain ;-)
tinycrab6: is cloudy in gisborne but warm
cascade: i meant pleasure*
Geofspa->Kibitzers: so there is no cricket today then!
DWnstnly: haha well sounds familure to our english summers
cascade: i'm not sure that what NZ have been playing should be called cricket ;-)
hermman: i was wondering which part of nz you were from, hahahaha
cascade: Yes that is one of my favourite quotes ...
cascade: "last summer which occured on a Wednesday in England" ;-)
DWnstnly: borris leaving after this hand treddis sitting in his seat
->DWnstnly: ok thanks
->hermman: Palmerston North
tinycrab6: wpp
DWnstnly->Kibitzers: ok treddis waynes knows you going to sit in boris seat
cascade: any questions?
cascade: ===========
tigeramy: ty John
->boris3161: are you going then ?
tinycrab6: should i bid 3 c or 3nt
luke5540: 2 spades not 2nt's??
cascade: I would bid 4♥
hermman: wellington, has tourney night of 27,28,29
cascade: with four hearts and a potentially useful doubleton
tinycrab6: ok txs
cascade: most of your points are in hearts so you don't really have a no trump hand when you know you have a fit
tigeramy: indeed, ty
Old York: ♥ fit may be 4-3
tinycrab6: no my p must have 4
cascade: South suspects it is not 4-3
Cullinan: hi Treddls
Old York: To be fair , I think 2NT was perfect
luke5540: north opened 1 heart
treddls: hello p
cascade: 1♥ 2♥; 2NT is good
tinycrab6: yes my ps bidding fine :-)
cascade: it warns partner of a possible 4-3 fit and offers NTs
cascade: then as south i would accept the game try and choose hearts
tinycrab6: hi p your card fine
T/ 22. Pm UK /23.France/ 24 TR time
tinycrab6: Merry xmas all :-)
Cullinan: merry xmas
tigeramy: typ
tinycrab6: glp
DWnstnly->Club: we would like to thank you wayne for giving up your christmass morning to do our class
cascade: its my please Diana
cascade: We have a lovely summer's day in NZ ...
cascade: low cloud and pouring rain ;-)
tinycrab6: is cloudy in gisborne but warm
cascade: i meant pleasure*
Geofspa->Kibitzers: so there is no cricket today then!
DWnstnly: haha well sounds familure to our english summers
cascade: i'm not sure that what NZ have been playing should be called cricket ;-)
hermman: i was wondering which part of nz you were from, hahahaha
cascade: Yes that is one of my favourite quotes ...
cascade: "last summer which occured on a Wednesday in England" ;-)
DWnstnly: borris leaving after this hand treddis sitting in his seat
->DWnstnly: ok thanks
->hermman: Palmerston North
tinycrab6: wpp
DWnstnly->Kibitzers: ok treddis waynes knows you going to sit in boris seat
cascade: any questions?
cascade: ===========
tigeramy: ty John
->boris3161: are you going then ?
tinycrab6: should i bid 3 c or 3nt
luke5540: 2 spades not 2nt's??
cascade: I would bid 4♥
hermman: wellington, has tourney night of 27,28,29
cascade: with four hearts and a potentially useful doubleton
tinycrab6: ok txs
cascade: most of your points are in hearts so you don't really have a no trump hand when you know you have a fit
tigeramy: indeed, ty
Old York: ♥ fit may be 4-3
tinycrab6: no my p must have 4
cascade: South suspects it is not 4-3
Cullinan: hi Treddls
Old York: To be fair , I think 2NT was perfect
luke5540: north opened 1 heart
treddls: hello p
cascade: 1♥ 2♥; 2NT is good
tinycrab6: yes my ps bidding fine :-)
cascade: it warns partner of a possible 4-3 fit and offers NTs
cascade: then as south i would accept the game try and choose hearts
Brd 6 ♠ T74 East ♥ A3 EW ♦ KJT6 ♣ J984 tigeramy ♠ K5 ♠ A93 ♥ KQT654 ♥ 972 ♦ Q9 ♦ 87543 ♣ T52 ♣ AK treddls Cullinan ♠ QJ862 ♥ J8 ♦ A2 ♣ Q763 tinycrab6 | West | North | East | South |
Pass | Pass | |||
1♥ | Pass | 2NT | Pass | |
3♥ | Pass | Pass | Pass | |
  | ||||
  | ||||
  | ||||
raja4->Club: players welcome
treddls: Roger do you want to play my ard or yours ? my acol is not benjified yet!
cascade: This will be the last board for today
cascade: have a good Christmas everyone
Cullinan: your card fine thx
tinycrab6: txs Wayne you too
cascade: I will have to edit these comments a little
Cullinan: thx Cascade
cascade: but my intention is to publish the content of this lesson in a blog
cascade: let me know if you have any problems
Dianne0516: Thanks, Wayne. Merry Christmas
cascade: it will look like these ones from the BIL (SAYC lessons)
Cullinan: glp
treddls: ta p
treddls: opened with rule of 19 assumed you had 17/18 for your 2NT so rebid hearts - let me know if that was rubbish please.........
Cullinan: I couldn't have 17/18 as passed initially 2NT now shows max pass and balanced
cascade: 17/18 what?
luke5540: loser??? lol
Cullinan: I presume Paul thought 17/18 points
Old York: East does not have Jacoby 2NT on his card, even if he had not passed, sorryPaul
cascade: interesting hand
tigeramy: srry p bad lead
luke5540: I open with East's hand
cascade: the lead was fine
tinycrab6: npp
luke5540: lead is immaterial
DWnstnly: are you here next week or you taking a day off
Cullinan: If I open 1D what rebid is there with poor D
cascade: 11 hcp opposite 10 hcp
luke5540: why waste trumps ruffing in hand
cascade: and the ♦Q is useless
treddls: yes i was not concentrating - you did pass 1st time so i shouls have got sorted - sorry
cascade: and we can make game
Cullinan: yes a fotunate game tho
cascade: I am going to need to finish up quickly sorry
cascade: but it is interesting to see that these hands make games
cascade: you only need hearts 2-2 or a stiff jack
tinycrab6: txs Wayne
cascade: the only way you can get there is if both players upgrade
Cullinan: works as H's are 2-2 but 3-1 wrong way , game has problems
cascade: i said earlier today already that I would open with AK A everytime
cascade: but if you dont do that it is hard
luke5540: joyeux noel - felix navidid - frohes weinachten
Old York: much easier hhen A + AK are in long suits
cascade: yes indeed
Cullinan: I suppose I should raise 3H to 4 on basis of 6 card suit
cascade: AK A are good for suit contracts
Old York: but a sound principle
cascade: so I think i would try and raise hearts with the East hand
cascade: 1♥ 2♦ (yuk); 2♥ 3♥
cascade: and see if partner likes that
cascade: must go
cascade: thanks everyone
cascade: thanks Diana
Geofspa: Fasten your seat belt, Kansas is going bye bye bucko!
Cullinan: thx Cascade
treddls: was tempted to go straight to four
cascade: happy christmas everyone
Cullinan: thx all
Geofspa: thanks Wayne ,,, have a good un
cascade: its a bit hard to bid 4♥ with no singletons
Old York: thx Wayne
DWnstnly: and you wayne enjoy the rest of your day
tinycrab6: txs for games p
tigeramy: tyvm Wayne & Diana
tigeramy: ty John, anytime
cascade: thanks especially to Diana
cascade: and to Lawrence and others for the enthusiasm in this club
->DWnstnly: thanks
sobell5: happy christmas and new year to you
->sobell5: thanks and the same to you
cascade: bye all closing
treddls: Roger do you want to play my ard or yours ? my acol is not benjified yet!
cascade: This will be the last board for today
cascade: have a good Christmas everyone
Cullinan: your card fine thx
tinycrab6: txs Wayne you too
cascade: I will have to edit these comments a little
Cullinan: thx Cascade
cascade: but my intention is to publish the content of this lesson in a blog
cascade: let me know if you have any problems
Dianne0516: Thanks, Wayne. Merry Christmas
cascade: it will look like these ones from the BIL (SAYC lessons)
Cullinan: glp
treddls: ta p
treddls: opened with rule of 19 assumed you had 17/18 for your 2NT so rebid hearts - let me know if that was rubbish please.........
Cullinan: I couldn't have 17/18 as passed initially 2NT now shows max pass and balanced
cascade: 17/18 what?
luke5540: loser??? lol
Cullinan: I presume Paul thought 17/18 points
Old York: East does not have Jacoby 2NT on his card, even if he had not passed, sorryPaul
cascade: interesting hand
tigeramy: srry p bad lead
luke5540: I open with East's hand
cascade: the lead was fine
tinycrab6: npp
luke5540: lead is immaterial
DWnstnly: are you here next week or you taking a day off
Cullinan: If I open 1D what rebid is there with poor D
cascade: 11 hcp opposite 10 hcp
luke5540: why waste trumps ruffing in hand
cascade: and the ♦Q is useless
treddls: yes i was not concentrating - you did pass 1st time so i shouls have got sorted - sorry
cascade: and we can make game
Cullinan: yes a fotunate game tho
cascade: I am going to need to finish up quickly sorry
cascade: but it is interesting to see that these hands make games
cascade: you only need hearts 2-2 or a stiff jack
tinycrab6: txs Wayne
cascade: the only way you can get there is if both players upgrade
Cullinan: works as H's are 2-2 but 3-1 wrong way , game has problems
cascade: i said earlier today already that I would open with AK A everytime
cascade: but if you dont do that it is hard
luke5540: joyeux noel - felix navidid - frohes weinachten
Old York: much easier hhen A + AK are in long suits
cascade: yes indeed
Cullinan: I suppose I should raise 3H to 4 on basis of 6 card suit
cascade: AK A are good for suit contracts
Old York: but a sound principle
cascade: so I think i would try and raise hearts with the East hand
cascade: 1♥ 2♦ (yuk); 2♥ 3♥
cascade: and see if partner likes that
cascade: must go
cascade: thanks everyone
cascade: thanks Diana
Geofspa: Fasten your seat belt, Kansas is going bye bye bucko!
Cullinan: thx Cascade
treddls: was tempted to go straight to four
cascade: happy christmas everyone
Cullinan: thx all
Geofspa: thanks Wayne ,,, have a good un
cascade: its a bit hard to bid 4♥ with no singletons
Old York: thx Wayne
DWnstnly: and you wayne enjoy the rest of your day
tinycrab6: txs for games p
tigeramy: tyvm Wayne & Diana
tigeramy: ty John, anytime
cascade: thanks especially to Diana
cascade: and to Lawrence and others for the enthusiasm in this club
->DWnstnly: thanks
sobell5: happy christmas and new year to you
->sobell5: thanks and the same to you
cascade: bye all closing